Why They Follow

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Produktnummer: 9781685780401 Kategorier: ,


Americans are drifting away from the Church in record numbers. At the heart of this crisis is a failure in communication. With over ten years of experience working with over ten thousand churches as the founder of Flocknote, Matthew Warner offers church leaders a practical guide to leading their flock somewhere truly meaningful—no matter their church role! You’ll learn:  

 Why some people listen and others don’t  

 How to get them to open (and respond to) your messages  

 Why most church websites and apps don’t work  

 How to ask for money (and why it should be fun)  

 Mistakes most church leaders make  

 Why people should even follow you in the first place  

 Where to find the time for all of this  

   And so much more!


Vekt 0,4 kg


Word on Fire





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