kr 439
Here in one volume is a new translation of St. Thomas Aquinas’ masterwork in surprisingly non-technical modern English and paragraph format. For the first time the Summa, which synthesizes with immense scholarship and brilliance Aristotelian learning on the nature of the world and the human person with biblical teaching on God’s loving purpose in creating them, is available in a concisely distilled translation and in a form that will appeal both to professional students and to interested general readers.
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Here in one volume is a new translation of St. Thomas Aquinas’ masterwork in surprisingly non-technical modern English and paragraph format. For the first time the Summa, which synthesizes with immense scholarship and brilliance Aristotelian learning on the nature of the world and the human person with biblical teaching on God’s loving purpose in creating them, is available in a concisely distilled translation and in a form that will appeal both to professional students and to interested general readers.
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