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Sainthood is a major part of Christianity, and over the centuries, saints’ names have become part of our culture, ranging from artwork to holidays to place names and more. Organized by saints’ specific feast days, each page of this beautifully illustrated book provides a day’s worth of history, tradition, and inspiration from the lives and teachings of the saints in the Christian canon, from St Apollonia to St Zita. This illustrated book of days tells the life stories, ministry, and beatification of 365 Saints, each beautifully rendered with classic paintings and historic iconography. Designed to become a family heirloom, this reference book lists each saint’s common patronages so readers can call upon them with prayers for intercession during times of trouble, sickness, or loss. A perfect gift for Christenings, Confirmations, birthdays, and holidays.
Antall sider: 400
Språk: Engelsk
Vekt | 1,3 kg |
ISBN | 9781681887487 |
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