Word on Fire Bible (Volume II) – Skinn

kr 1299

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Produktnummer: 9781943243860 Kategorier: ,


The Word on Fire Bible is a groundbreaking new series introducing readers to the strange, colorful world of the Bible.

It was designed to appeal not just to Christians, but to nonbelievers, searchers, and those with far more questions than answers.

It doesn’t presume any experience with the Bible; in fact, it was created for people reading the Bible seriously for the first time, who may be unsure of what to make of its many events and characters.

The first volume included the four Gospels, while this volume picks up the story of the early Church.

It includes the Acts of the Apostles, the Letters of the New Testament, and the book of Revelation.

The biblical text in The Word on Fire Bible (Volume II) is surrounded by illuminating artwork and helpful commentary from Bishop Robert Barron, the Church Fathers, and some of the greatest saints, mystics, artists, and scholars throughout history.

You’ll discover insights from Irenaeus, Ambrose, Francis of Assisi, Dante, Catherine of Siena, Ignatius of Loyola, Edith Stein, Flannery O’Connor, and many other teachers in the way of the Spirit.



Antall sider: 841


Vekt 1,1 kg



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