The Paschal Mystery: Reflections for Lent and Easter

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Produktnummer: 9781685780319 Kategorier: ,


“Our paschal lamb, Christ, has been sacrificed.” These words of St. Paul in his Letter to the Corinthians express the highest mystery of the Catholic faith, which Christians around the world contemplate and celebrate every year during the Lent and Easter seasons: the suffering, dying, and rising of Jesus.In this new book from Word on Fire, readers are offered a week-by-week guide through these sacred seasons with a series of reflections on Lenten themes like death, temptation, repentance, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving; the events of the Paschal Mystery of Christ recalled during Holy Week; and the joy of the Gospel reflected in the Easter season.Featuring key passages from Scripture, extended readings from Bishop Robert Barron, and hymns, poetry, prayers, and additional reflections from across two thousand years of Catholic tradition, The Paschal Mystery is a perfect companion guide for parishes, families, and individuals longing for a deeper encounter with Christ during Lent and Easter.  


Vekt 0,5 kg


Word on Fire





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