Love is for Life

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Produktnummer: 9788270243846 Kategorier: ,


Love is for Life is a marriage preparation course which the Catholic Diocese of Oslo offers to all couples who want to be married in the Catholic Church. It explains the Church’s understanding of marriage from the perspective of the Bible and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, supplementing this teaching with selected strategies for strengthening interpersonal communication and preventing conflicts. With this tool, parishes will be able to prepare couples for marriage in accordance with the intentions outlined in Pope John Paul II’s apostolic exhortation Familaris consortio, and in line with the writings on marriage by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.The booklet gives a thorough introduction to several themes: the call to marriage, marriage between people with different cultural backgrounds and beliefs, God’s original purpose for marriage, sexual complementarity, strengthening relationships, sexuality, the perpetuation of life, natural family planning, the parenting role and family life, conflict resolution, re­conciliation and the planning of the wedding itself.Internet resources are available at Here you can find assignments that challenge you to reflect over ethical and moral questions. You can also find a summary of each chapter and assignments that encourage you as a couple to think through the decisions which you as spouses will need to make and how to further develop your relation­ship.This publication has been prepared by the Catechetical Centre in Oslo and is a revised and abridged version of a course book by the same name from 2005/2010.Kjærlighet for livet – engelsk


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