ESV-CE Catholic Bible, Anglicized Confirmation Edition

kr 299

The ESV-CE published by SPCK has been approved by the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales, and Scotland, as the basis for the new Lectionary (2022) and all future liturgical texts used by Catholics.

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Produktnummer: 9780281085309 Kategori:


Beloved by millions around the world, the English Standard Version of the Bible is ideal for anyone looking for a contemporary and readable translation that is also accurate and consistent in its rendering of key words and phrases.Created by a team of over 100 leading scholars, this Catholic edition of the ESV is fully Anglicized and features the deuterocanonical books in the Catholic Bible, such as a Tobit, Judith and the Wisdom of Solomon. Presented in a double-column format, with explanatory footnotes providing alternative renderings of particular words and phrases, the ESV-CE Bible offers a clear, easy-to-read text that is perfect for everyday use.This Confirmation edition has an eye-catching, contemporary design that is ideal for older children and young adults affirming their faith and entering fully into the life of the Church. Featuring the full ESV-CE text, it is ideal for detailed Bible study and private devotion as well as for reading aloud. Presented as a hardback, with an orange ribbon marker and coloured endpapers, this is a confirmation gift that will be cherished for years to come.Other features include:9.5 pt font sizeAn award-winning typefaceInline chapter headingsInline chapter numbers12 mapsWhite paper from sustainable sources2021


Vekt 1 kg

SPCK Publishing





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