kr 1418 2


kr 1418 2


Discernment Do’s and Don’ts

kr 289

Do you feel like God is calling you to…something, but you don’t know what? Don’t know where to start? Do you find it hard to clear away the noise of life, and apps, and phones and really listen to God?

You’re not alone! But, happily, now there is a book to help you cut through the clutter so as to prayerfully discern God’s will for your life…that life to which he calls you and for which He created you.

Discernment Do’s and Don’ts, a practical guide to vocational discernment for Catholic teens and young adults, combines the teachings of Scriptures, Church documents, the Church Fathers, and the saints⁠—and a healthy dose of good old common sense⁠—into one handy “How To” guide on finding God’s will for you.

College chaplain, tech apostle, and parish priest Fr. George Elliott shows young people how to navigate seven different states of the discernment process and provides one best practice (the Do’s) to employ and one pitfall to avoid (the Don’ts) at each stage.

Discernment Do’s and Don’ts is an invaluable guide offering a wealth of practical advice and resources, including:

  • Tips to help you hear God calling you by name
  • Aids to identify obstacles in the discernment process and overcome them
  • Stories of real teens and young adults finding (or not finding…yet) their vocations
  • Scripture passages, teaching from the Church Fathers, and examples from the lives of the Saints

It’s easy to “get stuck” when discerning your vocation. Fr. Elliott has gone through the process himself and helped countless young people find God’s plan for their lives…and now he’ll help you!

Discernment Do’s and Don’ts lays out a clear path and helps young people identify anything that may be interfering with the discernment process and suggests ways to overcome those obstacles. Though written for teens and young adults, every Catholic not yet settled in a definitive vocation and anyone who cares about such “seekers” (That’s you, parents!) should read this book.

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Produktnummer: 9781505110173  Kategori:


Do you feel like God is calling you to…something, but you don’t know what? Don’t know where to start? Do you find it hard to clear away the noise of life, and apps, and phones and really listen to God?

You’re not alone! But, happily, now there is a book to help you cut through the clutter so as to prayerfully discern God’s will for your life…that life to which he calls you and for which He created you.

Discernment Do’s and Don’ts, a practical guide to vocational discernment for Catholic teens and young adults, combines the teachings of Scriptures, Church documents, the Church Fathers, and the saints⁠—and a healthy dose of good old common sense⁠—into one handy “How To” guide on finding God’s will for you.

College chaplain, tech apostle, and parish priest Fr. George Elliott shows young people how to navigate seven different states of the discernment process and provides one best practice (the Do’s) to employ and one pitfall to avoid (the Don’ts) at each stage.

Discernment Do’s and Don’ts is an invaluable guide offering a wealth of practical advice and resources, including:

  • Tips to help you hear God calling you by name
  • Aids to identify obstacles in the discernment process and overcome them
  • Stories of real teens and young adults finding (or not finding…yet) their vocations
  • Scripture passages, teaching from the Church Fathers, and examples from the lives of the Saints

It’s easy to “get stuck” when discerning your vocation. Fr. Elliott has gone through the process himself and helped countless young people find God’s plan for their lives…and now he’ll help you!

Discernment Do’s and Don’ts lays out a clear path and helps young people identify anything that may be interfering with the discernment process and suggests ways to overcome those obstacles. Though written for teens and young adults, every Catholic not yet settled in a definitive vocation and anyone who cares about such “seekers” (That’s you, parents!) should read this book.


Vekt 0,4 kg


TAN Books





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