A Journey with Jonah: The Spirituality of Bewilderment

kr 239


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Produktnummer: 9781943243853 Kategorier: ,


The book of the prophet Jonah is only two pages long—and Jonah’s prophesying is limited to one short sentence. And yet, around this small book, as if it were around Jonah’s own troubled ship, high waves of controversy and mystery have swirled for centuries. 

In A Journey with Jonah: The Spirituality of Bewilderment, the Irish Dominican scholar Fr. Paul Murray strives to uncover the great lesson of this story of bewilderment. Featuring a 2003 lectio divina on Jonah by then-Cardinal Ratzinger—published here in English for the first time—A Journey with Jonah, like the book of Jonah itself, is a brief but compelling journey into the heart of the spiritual life.



Antall sider: 104


Vekt 0,4 kg



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